YouTube is a competitive market. It hosts almost anything and everything from independent filmmakers, international brands, hobbyists and professionals. Whatever your niche is, YouTube is so versatile a video platform that it’s always worth…
Utilize A Music Search For Your Wedding
A bride-to-be has a full plate when it comes to making decisions and narrowing away options for her special day. If you are about to be married, then you know all about the potential stresses of wedding planning. Who knew it would be so…
Music - An Enjoyable Necessity
From when music was considered 'the sound of the gods' to the present day, humans have enjoyed the creation of harmonious tones and rhythm. Connecting our brains up in ways we have only yet to discover, music is a most wonderful thing.
Lighting in Nature
Lighting is one of the most important factors in taking videos and photographs of natural subjects. Unlike with studio shoots where you control the lights and the shadows, taking your camera outside is a little bit more complicated. In…
Basics Of Video Marketing On Social Media
We have seen the potential of the use of videos on Social Media. Depending on which platform you are using, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc, – each large user base has , with each platform making it easier and easier to upload…
Make Your Vacation Video Projects A Fantastic Conversation Piece
Who doesn't take videos and pictures while on vacation? We want pictures of family and friends and we want to capture the flavor of the landscape we are in. Some are interested in architecture; some are interested in the flora and fauna.…
Aperture is a very confusing concept that is used by beginning photographers, but when you learn how to use it and how you can create better photographs.