Many are still very confused, or even unaware of how and when you can use music in your videos legally. It is indeed a complicated world but here are 5 very important terms that can start you understanding music licensing in order to…
Lighting Tricks for Guerilla Filmmaking
Whether you are an independent filmmaker working with little to no budget or are engaged in guerilla filmmaking, pushing things to the extreme and using whatever it takes to get your shots, you need every edge you can get. Whether it is a…
Audio Recording for Independent Filmmaking
Independent filmmakers face the challenge of creating projects that look and sound professional while working on a budget that is a fraction of the massive studio productions. Yes, it is a challenge, but it is not impossible. Thanks to…
Video Editing Tools with Music
If you are just getting started in video editing or need to produce videos as quickly as possible, one of your biggest challenges may be finding the right music. One way to make life a little easier at first is to find a video editing tool…
Making a Smartphone Video
If you ask some video creators about tips and tricks for shooting video on a smartphone, they might tell you about what professional camera you need to use instead. However, some situations lend themselves to recording on a smartphone.…
Best Audio File Formats for Video Creation
When creating a video, it is easy to forget the essential nature of the audio track. Hours of crafting and perfecting video can fail to produce the intended impact if the audio component is not equally well done. Too often the audio track…
Many times, when we watch movies, they draw out a lot of excitement from us but that is not tied to the pictures on the screen alone. Most of the excitement we get from movies are as a result of what we hear i.e. the music, and the sound.…